Various problems that consumers often face: SudutKebun

Wahana Call Center can be contacted if there are consumer complaints

The ride’s call center can be contacted if customers have problems. Wahana itself is a forward service. Various problems often occur in this service. The ride buyers are too many. It happens because its life has been going on for a long time. In addition, the provider is also open when opening an agent.

Anyone can register to become a driving agent. Of course, it is very profitable, considering that an agent can bring a pretty large profit. But as business growth continues to grow, new problems continue to emerge. In the business world, it’s a natural thing.

But as a consumer, the number of problems is really unpleasant. This is where riding in the ride call center became very important  . In its existence, any complaint will be able to be shown as well as possible. The answer received is also more satisfying than finding a way online.

Different ways to contact call centers

There are several options you can choose when you contact the call center. Of course, the easiest way is to call him directly. However, the ride does not offer a phone function for consumer complaints. This is the policy of governance, so consumers will have to follow the consequences.

In return, the call center of the rides was  replaced by WhatsApp. To contact via WhatsApp, first enter From there, there will be a column claiming customer service. On a laptop, the customer service column is located on top with a yellow box.

After visiting the customer service page, there are two options for consumers. The choice is related to the acquired problem. That’s because choice is divided into delivery services and general services. Dial by hand problem and you will be asked to enter the data.

The data includes full name, personal WhatsApp contacts, email addresses and complaints submitted. From there, contact the ride call center via WhatsApp. This approach certainly makes it easier to worry that Whatsapp is very popular even in Indonesia. In addition, this method also has advantages in terms of cost.

When using a phone, there are tariffs that consumers must pay. But if the contact is made via WhatsApp, the tariff is clearly not there. As another option, customers can also contact Wahana by email.  Wahana’s own official email address was However, there are disadvantages to the service.

The disadvantage of call centers by e-mail is at a response rate. The answer is not as quick as contacting via WhatsApp. In fact, email itself is more likely to be used for communication related to suggestions. That’s because the email is in fact more of a medium for service development.

Travel information can also be seen via social media

If you want to know moreinformation about rides and call centers, customers need to follow their social media. Wahana itself is active on several social media platforms. The first platform with the highest activity was Facebook. The official account itself can be found in/wahanaexpressofficial.

Some people, however, no longer use Facebook. Therefore, informationabout riding in the call center can also be  obtained via Instagram. The official instaged address of the trip itself was @wahanaexpressofficial. The activity of riding on Instagram is also pretty good. His posts are always updated every day.

In addition, his followers also reached nearly 20,000. Of course, this number cannot be called small. If you want to be more formal, customers can actually see the ride profile on LinkedIn. This provider’s Linkedin account can be found at the address/wahana-prestasi-logistics. Some business people actually feel more comfortable looking at profiles through LinkedIn.

In addition to media information, customers can also communicate with social media admin. Of course, the benefits are similar to those in call centers. To talk, the path is really similar to every platform. First, log in to your personal social media account, find the official ride account after logging in.

Make sure the account is official and not fake. On the official account, send a message according to your question or complaint. The messenger channel itself is different for each platform. For example, you need to install the facebook messenger if you want to contact the provider via Facebook.

The disadvantage of social media may lie in the absence of an official twitter account. This is a flaw in itself, considering that the number of Twitter users in Indonesia is rising again. Therefore, you Twitter users need to use other social media to get more information.

Various problems that consumers often face

There are various issues that cause consumers  to contact call centre rides. The first problem is related to package delivery. If you are a sender or recipient, the customer will be hurt if the package is not sent to the desired location. There are two things that can cause this.

The first reason is an error in writing the address, while the second is a courier error when sending. In this case, the call center can be contacted by a clear explanation of chronology. CS will immediately edit the report and decide to send it to the right place.

In addition, there are often problems when using a tracking feature. The tracking feature itself is very useful for consumers. This feature allows consumers to learn the latest location of the goods sent. However, often this function does not work normally. This makes the item unknown in the location.

This problem clearly makes consumers feel uncomfortable. As a rule, tracking problems occurs only because of system errors. Therefore, the call center can quickly adjust  if there is a clear report. The condition of the package, which does not come at a predetermined time, can also cause difficulty among consumers.

There are two ways why the package hasn’t arrived yet. The first possibility is due to delays. This happens because of transport issues that can be limited. The second possibility itself is the loss of goods. This problem is extremely rare and almost never will happen.

By contacting the call center, customers are clearly able to understand why the delay could happen. In addition, CS will also process immediately if the package element is actually lost. If the package is ultimately found, the method of making the claim will be explained in more detail.

Contact the call center if you have any questions

In addition to providing complaints, call centers can also be used to get on board if they have more questions. The question itself may come from a variety of things, from shipping prices. But on a note, the question relates to the ride and its consumers. There is no reason to hesitate to ask questions about this matter.

This is truly one of the main functions of CS. In the end, you get answers with good language and you are comfortable communicating directly with CS. Make sure you ask all the questions in detail so that the answers received can be as enjoyable and as desired.

Actually, it’s up to you whether you’re using a call center or not. However, we strongly recommend that use be as good as possible. By use, communication between customers and providers will run smoothly. Don’t forget to advise even the nearest person to  contact the ride call center.

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